What should you do when your head hurts, you have tinnitus in your ears and your limbs are numb? These are symptoms...

Cerebral atherosclerosis is a pathological condition in which vascular tone is disturbed and normal circulation of blood in the tissues of the brain are affected. In this article you can read about its causes, mechanisms and symptoms which should give you a sign that it is time to sound the alarm bells. Also, you will learn about the serious complications of this insidious disease and about the modern approach to treatment that is available to everyone.

Cerebral atherosclerosis affects the work of the whole organism. Due to insufficient blood flow to the brain, overall stamina decreases, weakness appears, and important body systems begin to work poorly.

Initial symptoms of cerebrovascular oedema include:

  • Headache;
  • Tinnitus;
  • General weakness, apathy, somnolence;
  • Poor performance at work;
  • Sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • Numbness in limbs;
  • Swelling of hands and feet;
  • Darkening in the eyes;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Hormonal disorders in the body.

Abnormalities in the functioning of hormones in the body.

Cerebral atherosclerosis is the initial sign of a general 'pollution' of the body's blood vessels with cholesterol. The vessels of the brain are the softest and thinnest, so the disease strikes them first.

Treatment of blood circulation in the brain vessels means cleansing the whole organism of accumulated contaminants, such as cholesterol plaques, blood clots and calcium.

How can you cleanse these blood vessels at home?

Restoring blood circulation and cleansing blood vessels is a complex process. It affects all the blood vessels of the body and significantly improves the quality of life.

Learn how to cleanse blood vessels, get rid of hundreds of 'chronic' diseases and gain an additional 20 years of healthy life thanks to this in-depth interview.

  • How dangerous is angioedema of the cerebral vessels?
  • What is the risk of ignoring symptoms?
  • Why are vasodilators bad?
  • What is the link between cerebral vessels, being overweight, painful joints and potency?
  • How can you restore blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels at home?

These questions were answered by Professor Matthew Smith M.D., Dean of the Department of Cerebral Vascular Surgery at the Military Medical Academy.

Matthew Smith is the author of unique surgical techniques used all over the world.

Matthew Smith is convinced that life expectancy in the UK could be increased to 89-93 years, the standard level in developed countries. The key is that we need to start explaining to our citizens the importance of cleansing blood vessels after the age of 40.

How dangerous is angioedema of cerebral vessels?

- Mr Smith, what symptoms should we pay attention to in the first place?

- At the initial stage, cerebral atherosclerosis is weak. Most people do not pay attention to the symptoms, and the symptoms themselves appear and disappear.

First signs of cerebrovascular stroke:

  • Noise in the head with no reason;
  • Numbness of fingers and face;
  • Headache in the forehead and temples;
  • Sudden blood pressure spikes. Darkening in the eyes after a sudden change of body position;
  • Feet and hands are cold.

With the persistent deterioration in the condition of the blood vessels, chronic diseases are developing:

  • Hypertension;
  • Arthralgia, myalgia, limb cramps;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Varicose veins and venous thrombosis;
  • Decreased potency, prostate enlargement in men;
  • Slowing of metabolism and violation of fat metabolism.

Despite the fact that it is not an 'acute' disease, the deterioration of blood circulation in the brain is very insidious. Eventually, sooner or later, it leads to a stroke, but before that, it tortures a person for years, slowly killing the vital functions of organs and causing a whole mass of various diseases.

All these diseases are just consequences. Consequences of blood vessel atherosclerosis and their contamination with cholesterol plaques and blood clots. But literally only a few of our citizens pay attention to the cleansing of blood vessels, while most just suffer for years and take useless pills for their chronic ailments.

Yes, unfortunately, our citizens are not in any way informed about the importance of cleansing blood vessels.

And it's not their fault. How can we talk about it when 99 out of 100 doctors in the UK do not know about nutraceuticals and the need to prescribe them for cleansing blood vessels?

In other developed countries (USA, Canada, Europe and Japan) the law provides for the supply of nutraceuticals every 4 years to every citizen. In some countries it is free, in other cases - at the expense of insurance. But it was placed under state control.

What is the risk of ignoring symptoms?

- What happens if you ignore the symptoms of 'contamination' of blood vessels and treat only obvious diseases?

- The disease will progress regardless of any drug therapy. Yes, you can 'suppress' it with pills, you can turn to surgeons, but the reason for it remains in the body.

And the more dirt accumulates in the blood vessels, the more serious the consequences will be. When contamination of cerebral vessels becomes moderate, strokes and full or partial paralysis most often occur.

Why are vasodilators bad?

- Is it true that vasodilators do more harm than good?

- Yes. Vasodilators are good for emergency use. Their frequent usage causes a huge pressure on the walls of blood vessels.

Therefore, I advise taking drugs that dilate blood vessels with extreme caution and in extreme cases only.

What is the link between cerebral vessels, being overweight, painful joints and potency?

- Why, when blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, do women often gain weight, men lose their 'strength' and suffer from prostatitis, and joints and spine begin to collapse?

When blood vessels in the brain become clogged with plaque, it receives less nutrients. The brain receives 5% less nutrients every year after the age of 40.

It turns out that at the age of 50, brain nutrition deteriorates by half.

What does the brain do when it doesn't get enough nutrients?

1. It thinks we're starving and it forces us to eat.

But no matter how much you eat, contaminated blood vessels still do not allow enough nutrients to reach the brain. So, these nutrients need to be placed somewhere. And the body leaves them in reserve - storing them as fat.

2. In the 'hunger' mode, the brain thinks that we are dying, so it turns off the functions which are 'unnecessary' for the survival of the body.

The reproductive function is not needed - that is how the hungry brain thinks; therefore potency and libido is reduced. The production of the male hormone testosterone decreases. This, in turn, causes prostate enlargement and the development of prostatitis.

The regeneration function consumes a lot of energy, and the brain 'turns it off' saving it for 'better times'. Joint tissues cease to regenerate: cartilage, bones, as well as the production of joint lubricant (lubrication of joints) decrease. One can suffer from joint pains, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

How do you restore blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels?

- Is it possible to cleanse the blood vessels by yourself and restore blood circulation?

- Yes. It is not difficult, but it requires patience and discipline. But it's worth it, and it will pay off many times over.

In the National Medical Centre of Vascular Surgery and Cardiology we developed a unique product - Cardiovax. Specialists at the centre have created a remedy, which currently has no equal. Cardiovax is completely safe, has no side effects and can be taken without medical supervision.

Cardiovax cleanses blood vessels of all kinds of deposits:

  • Cholesterol plaques
  • Blood clots
  • Calcium salts

Results of Cardiovax's use:

After 1.5 months of taking Cardiovax, blood circulation is restored by 99.71%.

Blood circulation is restored systemically - in all vessels, arteries and capillaries.

Cardiovax know-how, the pride of our scientists. It provides almost 100% purification of blood vessels thanks to the active fractions of CO₂ extracts, which penetrate cholesterol plaques and dissolve them from the inside.

How does Cardiovax affect the body?

Cardiovax works in 3 stages:

1. Removal of deposits from blood vessels

It dissolves atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots and calcium. It increases the diameter of blood vessels to 99.71% of the norm and restores blood circulation.

2. Elimination of poor blood circulation effects

Diseases such as hypertension, headache, varicose veins, thrombosis, haemorrhoids, prostatitis are completely or significantly alleviated. Tinnitus, dizziness and swelling disappear; visual acuity and clarity of thinking improve. The metabolism of weight and fat is normalised.

3. Enhancement of strength and elasticity of the vessel walls

This prevents the formation of new platelets and reduces the risk of stroke up to 11 times.

- How often and for how long should a person take Cardiovax?

- Once every 5-7 years, from the age of 40 for men and from the age of 45 for women. Duration of the course is 1.5 months; in case of severe symptoms of circulatory disorders it should last 2 months.


Deficit and preferential programmes

- Since the beginning of this year, Cardiovax is no longer available in pharmacies.

The cause of the conflict was the greed of pharmacy owners, who demanded that the manufacturer of Cardiovax pay them a huge commission for each packet sold! Ignoring the already huge commission on the manufacturer's price (the cost of Cardiovax treatment in some pharmacies in our country reached £200!), pharmacists wanted to introduce an additional manufacturer's fee.

Representatives of pharmacies justified themselves by saying that such a margin allows them to survive. After all, Cardiovax is a product that one buys once every 5-7 years. And besides, after cleansing the blood vessels with the help of Cardiovax, a person no longer needs the drugs that they used to take constantly! People are giving up drugs that lower blood pressure; they stop buying drugs for joint pain; the intake of medicines for asthma and diabetes significantly reduces. This leads to losses for pharmacies. Therefore, they demand the highest possible price for Cardiovax.

As a result, the manufacturer of Cardiovax terminated all of its contracts with pharmacies and switched to distribution exclusively on the internet. This is the correct approach. Think about it yourself: it is not necessary to pay for the rental of retail shops nor pay bribes to pharmacies to get it. Therefore, Cardiovax is now much cheaper than when it was sold in pharmacies.

Social programme 'Cleanse your Blood Vessels'

Our institute, together with the National Centre for Medical Research of Cardiac Surgery and Cardiovax's manufacturer, launched a social programme as part of a telemedicine project (internet medicine).

As part of the programme, we distribute discounts on the product (the figure will be found at the end of the article). Every readers can receive a discount, but only those who really need the product will be able to use the discount. The best part is that the discount can reach 99%, which means that the luckiest readers will be able to get the remedy with a 99% discount!

- Who can benefit from that programme?

- To receive Cardiovax with a discount of up to 99%, you have to meet one of the following conditions:

Who can get Cardiovax with a discount of up to 99%:

  • Men over 40 and women over 45 living in any region of the country
  • Persons with disabilities (groups I-II) regardless of age
  • Relatives and friends of the above categories of citizens

- How long will the social programme be active?

- Promotion is active until inclusive. 30,000 packets were allocated for each stage. And each of them is distributed within 3-4 weeks. Despite the fact that there are no commercials on the TV and radio. People share information with one another, give tips to friends and relatives. Honestly speaking, we were a bit surprised that the news about Cardiovax spread so quickly.

Therefore, if you are lucky and you can do it before the date given, I strongly recommend you take part in the draw and order Cardiovax as soon as possible!

PUBLISHED 12 HOURS AGO | EDITOR'S NOTE: Important information! Currently, the programme continues in the city of and region of until 23:59. Until the end of the promotion, the original remedy - Cardiovax can be purchased with 99% discount when buying a full set! Items left: 87 packets

Old price: 25980 NGN

New price: 12990 NGN

127 users wrote 203 comments
  • What nonsense ???? Why there are no supplies in my town ??? Are we not good enough?!?!?! Why does the programme only work in 'selected' regions? And the rest of us, what we should do????

    Posted 23 hours ago
  • This remedy is very helpful! I wish I'd known about it sooner, because I bought a lot of supplies for me and my family. It works almost instantly!!!!! I highly recommend it to everyone

    Posted 22 hours ago
  • I agree! Very effective remedy for blood pressure problems! Now mine is stable at 120/80.

    Posted 19 hours ago
  • Thanks go to the manufacturer of Cardiovax! I've tried it, I feel a lot better. Let's see what happens next week. My blood pressure's not rising anymore, I can't even feel it. So I think everything will be fine!

    Posted 18 hours ago
  • Don't worry and use Cardiovax. The most important thing is to follow the instructions for use of the product.

    Hello Lucy

    Posted 17 hours ago
  • Guys, please help me! I'm really exhausted from my blood pressure changes. The discomfort and pain are killing me. I just don't know what to do anymore. From time to time I use different remedies, but they do not help :(((

    Posted 16 hours ago
  • If you take Cardiovax, you won't regret it. I've used to have blood pressure problems myself, including micro-infarctions. I am really grateful to my mother for finding out about Cardiovax and making me use it. By the way, I bought it six months ago, without any discount (and it cost a lot, I paid my entire salary for it). But now I have no problems with my blood pressure and I move about easily. Believe it, take it, and everything will work out, you'll see!

    Posted 15 hours ago
  • How one can I get Cardiovax?

    Posted 15 hours ago
  • Georgia, here's the link: Cardiovax . Hurry up while there is an opportunity to get a discount of up to 99%. It helped me a lot!

    Posted 14 hours ago
  • Chris, thank you, I have already ordered it, but can you tell me how long it takes for it to be delivered all round the UK?

    Posted 12 hours ago
  • Georgia, it takes on average 3-4 days.

    Posted 12 hours ago
  • I ordered it for my sister on the manufacturer's website two months ago. She had suffered for a long time. You can't imagine how she thanked me later for buying her Cardiovax.

    Posted 10 hours ago
  • Are these results really so effective? Probably I should have ordered it for myself.

    Posted 10 hours ago
  • I heard about it somewhere. One of my friends ordered it for himself. I'm having problems with my blood pressure for the second year running, and when I read about it I almost fainted. I'll place an order, maybe I will find out whether it really works.

    Posted 9 hours ago
  • I see that I am not the only one who has such problems, but thank God that I found Cardiovax on the manufacturer's website about a month ago. It saved me from hypertension, and I need to say, I had tried dozens of drugs and remedies!

    Posted 9 hours ago
  • Tell me please, will it help? I have to say I find most drugs and doctors are worthless.

    Posted 8 hours ago
  • Don't worry. Its effectiveness is very high and, most importantly, it does not harm your health at all. So hurry up and order! Cardiovax helped me get rid of my blood pressure problems completely.

    Posted 8 hours ago
  • Thank you. Cardiovax helped me very quickly! I ordered it on the site, I won 99% of discount! Don't wait for treatment; it is better to get rid of these problems with your blood pressure right now, rather than lie down later and realise that you will never be able to move again.

    Posted 7 hours ago
  • Thanks. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't believe in its effectiveness! For more than 5 years I have lived with my husband who has hypertension. He suffered terribly. And now he's acting like he's 18 again.

    Posted 7 hours ago
  • Tanya, thank you. Please, could you let me know, how long did it take you to finalise your therapy?

    Hello Lucy,

    Posted 7 hours ago
  • Lucy, it took about 15 days; after 20 days I stopped noticing any pressure spikes at all.

    Posted 7 hours ago
  • Tanya, I got it, thanks.

    Hello Lucy,

    Posted 7 hours ago
  • The result really exceeded my expectations. My blood pressure stopped spiking after six days! I ordered a few more packets for my friends.

    Posted 6 hours ago
  • I've just ordered Cardiovax today,
    the manufacturer's terms are really great, so hurry up!
    After the discount draw I left a request very quickly, they called back and the order was confirmed. I really hope that I will soon be living peacefully and enjoy long walks :)

    Posted 5 hours ago
  • I bought this for myself, my blood pressure has been a huge issue for several years. Every time it rains or the weather changes - it is unimaginable pain, it brings me down. Cardiovax helped me in a few weeks. I didn't even realise it was possible.

    Posted 4 hours ago
  • Our colleague in a private pharmacy sells Cardiovax for huge amount of money, so I didn't dare to buy it, it's not worth it. And then I saw that you can get it with a discount of 99% , so I ordered it immediately! My blood pressure is stable now!

    Posted 3 hours ago
  • Still, pharmacies are trying to sell it, too. Taking advantage of people in that way should really be banned. Now we will track where and to whom we send the product

    Hello Lucy,

    Posted 2 hours ago
  • I got 99% off! It helped perfectly. If you have problems with blood pressure I highly recommend it, believe me - you will feel like a newborn baby. Also, the delivery is quick, I received it within 3 days.

    Posted 41 minutes ago
  • I read the article and immediately decided to order it. The fact is that classic drugs did not help me for long-term hypertension, as I was told it was difficult to cure. Now I'm off other drugs. Cardiovax was delivered very quickly. On the first day I felt such relief that I simply could not stop myself from writing about it here. Thank you very much, finally I can live normally now!

    Posted 21 minutes ago
  • Guys, please tell me, where did you buy it? This remedy is not sold in pharmacies, and buying it on the internet makes me nervous. I don't want to be fooled and get a fake product; that would be a real disappointment.

    Posted 17 minutes ago
  • Let me say it once again: you can order Cardiovax ONLY on the official website ; to avoid any mistakes it is enough to proceed to the discount draw. Now Cardiovax is given away under the social programme with discounts up to 99%, but the programme will only be valid until so hurry up with your orders!
    And, please, watch out for fake products.

    Hello Liza

    Posted 9 minutes ago